De Loose Mongoose is Back… Bigger and Better Than Ever!

2021-06-25T13:36:52+00:00By |News|

    De Loose Mongoose restaurant in Trellis Bay on Tortola has been back in operation since July of 2020. The new “Loose Mongoose” is bigger and better than ever – about six times bigger to be exact. Completely renovated after near total destruction during the hurricane, the new facility features an outside bar, an inside lounge and an open air bar upstairs with a spectacular view plus a boutique and a coffee shop.

    Located on the sand at Trellis Bay on Beef Island, Loose Mongoose makes a statement with their rustic beach side design featuring recycled Teak wood, palm leafs, comfortable lounge banquettes mixed with sea breezes and sand, topped off with stunning views.

    It is great to see them back in business!

    Loose Mongoose: +1 284-340-5544 |


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