Throwing a New Years Eve Party

2020-03-12T11:43:22+00:00By |Uncategorized|

When you have had all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season in your British Virgin Islands Home it’s very easy to allow New Year’s Eve plans take a backseat. When the gifts have been bought, wrapped and given, the food is all cooked and eaten and all of the the relatives which were visiting have left, who has the energy to plan a party? Well, you can! Just follow these simple tips to help you ring in the new year in style.

Step One: Send invites via email, phone calls and texts, this will allow you to receive and keep track of RSVP’s quickly and easily, you dont need a fancily designed invite to ask close friends and relatives to celebrate with you and this way it is possible to make last minute plans. A good tip is to invite your guests to arrive at around 8pm, so that you have time to catch up and build up to ringing in the new year together.

Step Two: Plan the menu. Don’t feel as though you need to make all the food yourself. Look at your grocer’s freezer section for prepared snacks. Other easy refreshments are fruits and veggies cut into bite-sized portions and offered with cheese cubes. If your finances are tight, request visitors to create a snack, dessert or drinks to share. Speaking of drinks, consider planning one special cocktail or punch (and possibly a non-alcoholic version for designated motorists) and asking visitors to bring wine, beer and/or champagne if they so desire.

Step Three: Organize a playlist. Are you unsure what tunes work well for a New Year’s Eve party? Take a look at the internet for good ideas, using a free Internet radio service is also a good tip, as this means you’ll avoid needing to purchase any music and have the ability to mix your choices should you so choose.

Step Four: Clean. You want your house to be presentable for when visitors arrive, but don’t stress too much over cleaning because you almost certainly have plenty of cleaning to complete after everybody leaves. Concentrate on the basics in the most used areas and make sure anything you wouldn’t want your guests to see is put away.

Step Five: Party! Consider buying some noisemakers, party hats, etc., to add a festive touch to your party.

Remember New Years Eve is an exciting event filled with the anticipation of what the new year may bring, so enjoy with friends and family and ring in the new year they way you want to!

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